Die Anmeldung für die Tagung der LIGA in Stockholm ist bereits im Laufen. Eine Einladung zur Teilnahme und das gesamte Programm samt Anmeldeformular ist hier und auch unter www.ligue.org abrufbar, wobei dort auch Links zu den Hotels zu finden sind.
Dear Members of the League,
The Nordic Group and the LIDC are honoured to invite you to the LIDC Annual Congress in Stockholm from 1-4 October 2015.
For the LIDC Annual Congress, please find attached:
- the detailed program,
- the registration form (including registration fees);
The deadline for early bird registration is June, 30th 2015
A reduced fee is applicable for young members (under 35), retired members, academics, judges and members of competition authorities and administrations.
We have prepared a programme focusing on current hot topics in competition law and intellectual property, such as:
Question A: Abuse of Dominant position and Globalization: International Reporter: Prof. Pinar AKMAN, University of Leeds (UK): Question B: Protection and Disclosure of Know-how: International Reporter: Henrik BENGTSSON, Lawyer, Delphi (Sweden):
As it is the tradition of the LIDC, one subject of the questions mentioned above covers a pure competition (“antitrust”) issue and the other subject is on the border between intellectual property and competition law (“unfair competition”). The national and international reports will be published by the well known editor Springer after the Congress and all participants of the Congress will receive a copy.
Furthermore two panels on "Public and private procurement: which rules? which authorities?" and on "Latest developments in the law of geographical indications" as well Keynotes by Professor Frédéric Jenny, on "The institutional design of Competition Authorities?” and by Professor Antonina Bakardjieva, on “Network governance" will be held.
Have also a look into the marvelous social program. Please note that the Nordic group was also successful in getting 10 % discount and free breakfast from Radisson Strand Hotel and free breakfast from Grand Hotel. Their rates are on their web-sites. On behalf of LIDC and the Nordic Group, we look forward to welcoming you to Stockholm. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yours faithfully,
Giovanni Gozzo President of the Nordic Group
Dr. Michael Meyenburg President of the LIDC
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