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LIGA Kongress 2019 in Paris: 7.-10.11.2019 Anmeldung gestartet07.11.2019

Die jährliche internationale Veranstaltung der LIGA für Wettbewerbsrecht findet dieses Jahr vom 7. bis 11.7 in Paris statt und steht unter dem Motto Innovation und Modernisierung des Wettbewerbsrechts und des Rechts zum geistigen Eigentum.

Dear Members of the Ligue!

The French Association for the Study of Competition and the International League of Competition Law are pleased to invite you to Paris from 7 to 10 November 2019 for the LIDC's annual congress.

The substantive programme will be significant and on the theme of innovation and the modernisation of competition law and intellectual property.

We have a separate examination, which is running in parallel, of the two issues entrusted to the recognised international rapporteurs. Organising separate reviews will strengthen the exchanges with the national rapporteurs and deepen the comparative approach of the modernisation topics discussed in both the competition and intellectual property law panels.

The quality and variety of stakeholders, who represent the Court of Justice of the European Union, the European Commission, national judges and competition authorities, as well as economists, academics, in-house lawyers and private practice lawyers, will give a precise and in-depth insight into the evolution of the enforcement of competition law.

You will find the complete program following this link : https://www.congres-lidc.com/en/program.htm

But an LIDC league congress without friendship and enjoying our surroundings would not be a real congress!

This year, to celebrate the centenary of the Roaring Twenties, we will also enjoy relaxed and festive times with a welcome address about 'the art market in Paris on Thursday evening in the lounge of the recently-renovated Lutétia hotel. On Friday, the reception at the Parliament will allow all participants to discover a place steeped in history and power. Saturday's gala dinner will offer a variety of surprises: gastronomic, musical, and, above all, an exceptional guest.

You can register for the Congress here : https://www.congres-lidc.com/en/coordonnees.htm

The webiste dedicated to the Congress here : https://www.congres-lidc.com/en/

We are glad to inform you that the AFEC negotiated preferential tariffs for a limited number of rooms at the Lutetia Hotel. If you are interested please lease with us (being specified that a positive answer depends on the number of rooms, which is limited).

We hope to see very many of you in Paris. Don't wait to register and enjoy the special 'early bird' rates (until 31 July 2019)!

Carmen Verdonck President LIDC and Muriel Chagny president AFEC

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