Die LIGA für Wettbewerbsrecht (LIDC) hält ihre nächste Tagung nach Paris nun in Brüssel ab und hat zwei spannende Arbeitsfragen veröffentlicht, wo auf nationaler Ebene bei der Fragebeantwortung mitgearbeitet werden kann.
Dear Members,
We have the pleasure to inform you that the next LIDC Congress will be held in Brussels from 15th to 18th October 2020.
The questions that will be discussed are the following :
Question A : What is the role of antitrust authorities regarding the digital economy?
Question B : Influencers, native advertising and the use of AI for marketing - how can it be controlled by law?
International reporters for Questions A & B have been appointed.
For Question, A the international reporter is Jens Gaster, policy officer at the European Commission (jens.gaster@hotmail.com).
For Question B, the international reporter is Marta Delgado Echevarría, Partner at JONES DAY (mdelgado@JonesDay.com .
National reports shall be sent to the international rapporteurs by 31 May 2020.
We look forward to welcoming you in Brussels.
Kind regards,
The LIDC Bureau
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